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M.D. Paweł Grzelązka
Internal medicine specialist, cardiology specialization in progress
A graduate of the medical faculty of the Medical College of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Bydgoszcz (2015).
Started specialization in Internal Medicine (2018).
Passed the State Specialization Examination in Internal Medicine (2022).
He has experience gained while working in a hospital clinical ward, clinic and ER/IP.
Diagnostics and treatment
Internal medicine consultation may include:
- initial diagnosis and implementation of treatment for diseases of systems and organs: circulatory, respiratory, urinary, hematopoietic, endocrinological, digestive, rheumatological as well as infectious diseases, disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, cancer,
- monitoring and continuation of previously started treatment,
- outpatient care after hospitalization.
Treats adults only.
Internal medicine visit: PLN 200
Cardiology visit: PLN 250
Echocardiography visit: PLN 400
Echocardiography: PLN 200
Holter ECG: PLN 200
Holter pressure: PLN 200

PhD in Medical Science Renata Bijata-Bronisz

M.D. Justyna Kwiatkowska

Phd in medical science Małgorzata Molska

PhD in Medical Science Paweł Rajewski, professor WSNoZ

M.D. Łukasz Sobolewski

PhD in Medical Science Michał Ziołkowski