Home/Aesthetic medicine

Plastic Surgery

Invasive plastic surgery procedures aimed at body contouring, reshaping of selected body parts or fat reduction.

View plastic surgery procedures


Anti-Aging Medicine

Based on the latest technology minimally invasive facial, body and hair treatments for Her and Him. The goal of the treatments is to regenerate, care for the skin, contour the body and rejuvenate the appearance.

Explore Anti-Aging treatments


Cosmetology and care treatments

Non-invasive treatments that professionally care for the skin, its proper hydration and nourishment, and reveal your everyday beauty.

Show beauty treatments

price list Aesthetic Medicine Gizińscy

Price list of treatments

Price list – Aesthetic Medicine

Team Gizińscy Aesthetic Medicine

Team Gizińscy Aesthetic Medicine

Meet the specialists who will take care of your healthy and beautiful appearance.

Meet the specialists

Aesthetic Medicine Gizińscy

Leśna 9A, Bydgoszcz, Outpatient Clinic building, 2. floor
reception desk and appointment scheduling: Mon-Fri 08:00 – 20:00

phone number 695 999 199
e-mail: medycynaestetyczna@gizinscy.pl

    Administratorem Państwa danych osobowych jest Centrum Medyczne Gizińscy Sp. z o.o. Pełna klauzula informacyjna RODO.