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General, vascular and endocrine surgery ward Hospital ward

General surgery deals with the surgical treatment of internal organs, especially the surgery of abdominal cavity.

Vascular surgery is a branch of surgery dealing with pathologies in the area of blood and lymphatic vessels. Operations performed in this area consist primarily in unblocking the vessel, widening its lumen and removing any pathologies within it.

Endocrine surgery – deals with the surgical treatment of the thyroid gland (thyroidectomy), which consists in excision of the diseased parenchyma of the gland, leaving a healthy fragment of the thyroid gland. Endocrine surgery procedures are performed only by Jacek Pypkowski, M.D.

Treatments are performed using classic and minimally invasive methods, such as laparoscopy or laser intravascular surgery for varicose veins.

In the field of general surgery, we provide both paid procedures and procedures reimbursed from the NFZ (National Health Fund).

General, vascular and endocrine surgery – procedures

Spider veins – sclerotherapy (price for one treatment) PLN 600
Varicose veins of the lower limbs, safenectomy (one leg), cryosurgery from PLN 4 500
EVLT saphenous vein laser removal (for one leg) from PLN 3 900
EVLT saphenous vein laser removal (for both legs) from PLN 6 900
Intravascular adhesive – varicose veins – Venaseal (for one leg) from PLN 8 000
Intravascular adhesive – varicose veins – Venablock (for one leg) from PLN 7 500
Miniphlebectomy from PLN 3 500
Saphenous vein stripping or saphenous vein + miniphlebectomy + ligation of inefficient perforators from PLN 5 000
Haemorrhoids – rubber banding with the Barron method under local anesthesia from PLN 3 000
Removal of hemorrhoids – using the classic method under local anesthesia from PLN 3 500
Anal fissure from PLN 4 000
Anal fistulas under local anesthesia from PLN 4 000
Pilonidal (pilonidal) cyst excision from PLN 4 500
Excision of condyloma acuminata from PLN 4 000
Cholecystectomy revision of the ductus choledochus from PLN 6 000
Inguinal hernia surgery without mesh from PLN 5 000
Umbilical hernia surgery without mesh from PLN 5 000
Hernia: linea alba, inguinal, umbilical with mesh implant from PLN 5 500
Scrotal hernia from PLN 6 000
Recurrent or postoperative abdominal hernia from PLN 6 000
Removal of a nodule, atheroma, lipoma, skin wart, mole, neoplastic lesion, histopathological examination from PLN 1500
Excision of the axillary lymph node from PLN 1 500
Resection of the inguinal lymph node from PLN 1 500
Excision of the neck lymph node from PLN 1 500
The cost of general anesthesia for a procedure normally performed under local anesthesia PLN 1 000
Endocrine surgery – procedures (Jacek Pypkowski, M.D.) PRICE
Thyroidectomy in uncomplicated cases from PLN 7 100
Thyroidectomy in complicated cases (retrosternal goitre, hyperactive goitre, tracheoconstrictive goitre) from PLN 8 100
Surgical treatment of thyroid cancer (thyroidectomy with neck lymphadenectomy) from PLN 18 100
Surgical treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism (parathyroidectomy) from PLN 6 100
Diagnostic excision of the superficial neck lymph node from PLN 1 500
Diagnostic excision of a deep neck lymph node from PLN 3 000
Therapeutic excision of the neck lymph nodes from PLN 6 500