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Urology ward Hospital ward

Urological surgery deals with the surgical treatment of the bladder, urethra and male genitals.

In the field of urology we only provide paid procedures, i.e. non-NFZ.

Urology – treatments COST
Varicose veins of the spermatic cord PLN 4 000
Hydrocele surgery, epididymectomy, epididymal cyst removal, testicular removal – under local anesthesia PLN 2 500
TURT (transurethral resection of bladder tumor) PLN 4 000
TURP (electroresection of a prostate tumor up to 40 mm) PLN 7 000
Phimosis surgery under local anesthesia from PLN 2 000
Frenulum surgery under local anesthesia from PLN 1 000
Removal of the external meatus of the urethra under local anesthesia from PLN 1 800
Vasectomy PLN 2 500
The cost of general anesthesia for a procedure normally performed under local anesthesia PLN 1 000