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Hospital wards

Surgical procedures are carried out in state-of-the-art operating rooms that meet the strictest Polish and EU standards.

Laparoscopic tower, Shaver system (a dynamic cutting-suction device used to remove nasal polyps and other pathological tissues from the nose and sinuses), Pelleve (radio frequency energy (RFITT) system), EVLT (venous insufficiency treatment involving irradiation of an inefficient venous trunk with the use of a laser fiber introduced inside), intraoperative X-ray, modern anesthesia, monitors and resuscitation kits, and above all, excellent physicians with extensive knowledge and many years of professional experience, these are just some of our advantages that have a significant impact on professionalism and comfort of surgery. Thanks to this, we can perform operations of the highest degree of difficulty (vascular, general and endocrinological surgery, pediatric surgery, neurosurgery, otolaryngology, aesthetic surgery, gynecology, orthopedics, urology).

The patient is in the hands of a team of experienced specialists. Our anesthesiologists use state-of-the-art equipment and the latest generation drugs. They select anesthesia methods individually.

The surgical ward of the Centrum Medycznego Gizińscy offers the possibility of treatment in the form of planned and one-day hospitalizations.

Thanks to the experience of our physicians, your stay in the hospital will be as short as possible.

We perform surgical procedures reimbursed from the NFZ (National Health Fund) as well as paid procedures.

The managers

dr n. med. (PhD in Health Sciences) Krzysztof Aniukiewicz

Medical director, specialist in vascular diseases (angiology), general surgery

dr n. med. (PhD in Health Sciences) Krzysztof Aniukiewicz

lek. Bożena Hauslinger, M.D.

Team leader of anesthesiologists, anesthesiologist specialist

lek. Bożena Hauslinger, M.D.

lek. Piotr Sokala, M.D.

Head of the medical team, specialist in general and vascular surgery

lek. Piotr Sokala, M.D.

Wojciech Łukowski

Operating block coordinator

Wojciech Łukowski

Agnieszka Jankowska

Coordinator of the nursing team of the surgery ward

Agnieszka Jankowska

Jolanta Synakiewicz

Anesthesiology nursing team coordinator

Jolanta Synakiewicz

Barbara Maciejewska

Coordinator of the procedures coordination department

Barbara Maciejewska