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Pediatric surgery ward Hospital wards

The scope of surgical treatment of children includes both procedures under local and general anesthesia. Each child must be qualified for the procedure by a pediatric surgeon. In the case of general anesthesia, the child must additionally be consulted by an anesthesiologist.

After the procedure, the surgeon together with the anesthesiologist decide on the date of leaving the hospital for the child. Parents receive precise recommendations regarding post-operative period, wound care, the diet, pain management and the date of suture removal. If necessary, they stay in telephone contact with the physician.

In the field of pediatric surgery, we provide both paid procedures and procedures reimbursed from the NFZ (National Health Fund).

Pediatric surgery – procedures PRICE
Phimosis – general anesthesia PLN 3000
Cryptorchidism – general anesthesia PLN 3900
Unilateral hydrocele/testis – general anesthesia PLN 3500
Separation of the foreskin – in outpatient conditions – local anesthesia PLN 500
Separation of the labia – general anesthesia PLN 2500
Glans hypospadias – general anesthesia PLN 7000
Plastic surgery of the external opening of the urethra – general anesthesia from PLN 3000
Penile repair surgery – each stage – general anesthesia from PLN 4500
Preauricular exostosis – general anesthesia PLN 2500
Preauricular exorrhea – without cartilage – local anesthesia PLN 1000
Umbilical hernia – general anesthesia PLN 3500
Linea alba, inguinal hernia – general anesthesia PLN 3500
Removal of an extra finger within the soft tissues – local anesthesia PLN 2500
Removal of a nodule, fibroma, lipoma, atheroma, congenital mole, vascular and granuloma (local anesthesia) PLN 1000
Removal of a nodule, fibroma, lipoma, atheroma, congenital mole, vascular and granuloma (local anesthesia) from PLN 800, another nodule PLN 400 + cost of the histopath – PLN 50 for each lesion
Removal of a nodule, fibroma, lipoma, atheroma, congenital mole, vascular and granuloma (general anesthesia) from PLN 2500
Undercutting the frenulum of the tongue – local anesthesia in an inpatient setting PLN 800
Cutting the frenulum of the tongue – general anesthesia PLN 2600
Lengthening of the short frenulum of the tongue – general anesthesia PLN 2600
Lengthening of the short frenulum of the foreskin – local anesthesia PLN 1500
Lengthening of the short frenulum of the foreskin – general anesthesia PLN 2500
Ingrown nail – local anesthesia in an inpatient setting PLN 1500
Ingrown toenail – general anesthesia PLN 2000
Deepening of the vestibule of the upper lip PLN 2100