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M.D. Justyna Kwiatkowska
Internist, infectious disease specialist
A graduate of the Faculty of Medicine of the Nicolaus Copernicus Medical University in Bydgoszcz.
Completed specialization in Internal Medicine (2017) and Infectious Diseases (2022).
Certified Lipidologist (2023)
She has worked at the Department of Internal Diseases of the Multidisciplinary City Hospital in Bydgoszcz.
Since 2018, she has been working at the Provincial Observation and Infectious Diseases Hospital in Bydgoszcz in the Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases Department.
Diagnostics and treatment
Infectious diseases, liver diseases, diseases of internal organs, and lipid disorders.
Accept adults only.
Visit: PLN 250

PhD in Medical Science Renata Bijata-Bronisz

M.D. Paweł Grzelązka

PhD in Medical Science Paweł Rajewski, professor WSNoZ

PhD in Medical Science Ewa Smukalska

M.D. Łukasz Sobolewski