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The Neurological Clinic deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system, which may develop as primary diseases or affect the nervous system as secondary effect, as a complication of another disease. The causes of neurological diseases are very diverse. These can be developmental defects, postpartum disorders, attacking the nervous system by the body, aging of the body.
Diseases treated:
- post-stroke states,
- memory impairment (Alzheimer’s disease),
- epilepsy,
- parkinsonism (extrapyramidal syndromes),
- spinal diseases (back pain syndromes),
- peripheral nerve diseases,
- Creutzfeld-Jakob disease,
- multiple sclerosis (MS),
- migraines,
- speech disorders,
- brain tumors.
For your first visit to the neurosurgeon, you should bring:
- previous medical records,
- list of medications taken.