Home/Hallux valgus surgery

At the Gizińscy Medical Center, we perform surgical treatment of hallux valgus, also known as bunions.

Hallux valgus surgery, also known as bunion surgery, is recommended in the case of advanced deformity and pain or difficulties in the functioning of the foot. One of the main reasons for surgery is to relieve the pain associated with the deformity.

Bunion valgus leads to displacement of the big toe in the direction of
the remaining toes of the foot, which causes pressure on the adjacent bone structures, joints and soft tissues. This can lead to pain, discomfort and difficulty in moving. After the surgery, it is necessary to go through a period of convalescence. During this period, the foot needs to heal, and the muscles and ligaments should strengthen.

What are the benefits associated with the bunion surgery?

  • restores the correct anatomy of the foot,
  • minimises or reduces pain,
  • corrects deformations,
  • improves the aesthetics of the feet,
  • improves physical activity,
  • allows you to choose to wear your favourite footwear.

The recovery time after bunion surgery depends on the type of surgery, the degree of deformity and individual health status of the patient. The key factors in the process of rapid recovery are physiotherapy, rehabilitation and properly selected footwear.

If you are interested in consultation and surgery, please contact the registration

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