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M.D. Beata Madej
specialist in children's allergology, pediatrician specialist
A graduate of the Medical Academy in Gdańsk with the 1st and 2nd degree of specialization in the field of pediatrics. In 2000, she obtained the title of specialist in allergology (2nd degree).
She worked for 15 years at the Provincial Children’s Hospital. Currently employed at the Department of Pediatrics, Allergology and Gastroenterology at the University Hospital No. 1 in Bydgoszcz. Works as a senior assistant in the outpatient Allergology Clinic.
Diagnostics and treatment
allergies and food intolerances, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, eczema (eczema), allergic eye diseases, chronic cough, recurrent bronchitis and other childhood diseases.
Available tests
- Prick allergy tests
Treats only children from 0 to 17 y.o.
Visit: PLN 220
Prick test visit: PLN 280
A desensitization visit: PLN 100
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