Surgical Procedures

Gynecomastia Aesthetic Medicine Gizińscy

Gynecomastia is the mammary gland enlargement in men, possibly with pain.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Mammary gland enlargement in men

Before the procedure

Like any procedure, the excision of gynecomastia is preceded by a medical consultation. The surgeon will discuss the scope and course of the surgery and instruct you how to prepare for the procedure. They will indicate which medications should be discontinued and when, and what activities should be avoided.

The course of the procedure

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia and involves the removal of excess tissue from the breast area. The surgical technique and the procedure scope depend on the size of the breast.

Post-treatment recommendations

After 24 hours, the patient is usually discharged (unless the surgeon recommends otherwise). The attending physician will inform you about individual post-treatment recommendations.

After surgery, it is recommended to wear a vest for 10-12 weeks, also at night, and limit physical activity. The patient will be informed when to come for a follow-up and have the stitches removed.

Contraindications to the procedure:

  • Weight not matching BMI
  • Breast cancer
  • Use of certain medications (at the physician’s discretion)

The final effect of the surgery can be assessed after at least 6 months.

The above content is for information purposes only and does not constitute a final qualification for the procedure.

Aesthetic Medicine Gizińscy

Leśna 9A, Bydgoszcz, Outpatient Clinic building, 2. floor
reception desk and appointment scheduling: Mon-Fri 08:00 – 20:00

phone number 695 999 199

    Administratorem Państwa danych osobowych jest Centrum Medyczne Gizińscy Sp. z o.o. Pełna klauzula informacyjna RODO.